A relatively thin mast crop in
years past has supported few rodents such as mice, and therefore has forced the
persistent pests to seek other forms of nourishment—us.
The four species of ticks found
in Virginia are the lone star tick, the American dog tick, the deer tick, and
the brown tick. The lone star tick,
named for the lone white spot in the center of its back, is the most common in
our area; as it’s found predominately east of the Blue Ridge. The American dog tick, identifiable by a pale
spot just behind its head, is found predominately in the west. Both the tiny deer tick and the reddish brown
tick are less common, but can be found throughout the state.
Perhaps what scares people the
most about ticks is the threat of tick-transmitted diseases. These are diseases that, as the name
suggests, are transmitted by a bacteria carried by ticks.
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSP)
is the most widespread of Virginia’s tick-transmitted diseases. Both the lone star tick of the East and the
American dog tick of the West are known to carry RMSF. The tick must be attached to a host for four
to six hours to inflict the disease. Flu-like
symptoms such as headache, muscle cramps, fatigue, and fever usually follow
contraction by 2-12 days, which are in turn followed shortly by the appearance
of an irritating red rash around the extremities.
Virginia’s other tick-transmitted
disease, lyme disease, seems to attract plenty of attention—some clearing up is
in order. The deer tick is the only tick
in Virginia known to carry lyme disease, and is an uncommon species, found
primarily in the northern and eastern reaches of our state. The lone star tick, found in our area, has
never been identified as a potential transmitter of the disease. However, occasionally a victim of the lone
star tick will develop a circular rash and flu-like symptoms consistent with
lyme disease—but they have not contracted the disease. Symptoms of lyme disease are similar to those
associated with RMSF and are accompanied by a circular rash with a clear center
at the site of the bite. A carrying tick
has to be attached for a period of 36 hours in order to transfer the disease. Therefore, if you check yourself regularly
for ticks as you should, it is very unlikely that you will contract the
While not every tick in Virginia
carries harmful bacteria, anyone who has had the misfortune of contracting a
tick-transmitted disease will tell you that any prevention steps you can take
are well worth the effort.
Ticks usually attach themselves
to a host by waiting on the edges of low-growing vegetation until something
brushes against them. When possible,
walk in the middle of a trail or road to avoid picking up any unwanted
Wear long, but light,
clothing. Tuck in your shirt if
possible, and your pants into your socks or boots to minimize exposed areas of
skin. Wearing light colors like white
not only makes it easier to spot ticks before they can attach themselves, but
also keeps you a bit cooler in the brutal heat.
Using insect repellent with
30-70% DEET can help significantly in warding off ticks. Another option is to use products such as
“Buzz Off” by Ex Officio that have built in and long lasting bug repellents.
The final and most foolproof way
to keep from being bitten by a tick is to check yourself regularly for them, if
not while you’re in the field, always when you arrive home. If you discover an attached tick during a
tick check, remove the pest intact, making sure to remove the head from your
skin, and wash the area thoroughly. Most
tick-transmitted diseases require the tick to be attached to a host for several
hours. So checking yourself for ticks
regularly will make it very unlikely for you to fall sick.
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